Friday, August 3, 2012

Madelyn's Milestones

Mad-Madelyn at 10.5 months
Once again, updating this blog becomes more and more challenging as our lives become busier and busier!  I figured we had all the time in the world this summer and I would be doing a blog entry once a month, which is my goal, but oh my the longest summer in history has slipped away!  Madelyn has recently earned a new nickname of Mad-Madelyn! She is into everything, pulling up and cruising all over the place, crawling up the stairs, and trying to keep up with Olivia.  Olivia tries to call her Mad-Madelyn and it comes out Mad-Mad!  She has really come into her ow and is about three weeks from turning one year old!  I thought it would be appropriate to review all her major milestones this year!  Plus there just might be a quiz at her first birthday party, so pay close attention! hehe

God Bless Madelyn
Our second little angel! She wore the same dress as Olivia!
On February 19th, her six month birthday, with our family and friends surrounding us, we celebrated the baptism of Madelyn Faith.  At the time Madelyn was going though a stranger danger phase and would cry whenever anyone she did not know held her.  We were a bit worried she would start crying when Pastor Matt took her to baptize her.  However, it was completely fine and she did not even cry when the holy water was placed on her head! Following the event, we arrived at my parents house to have brunch with close family and friends! Little secret about hosting this brunch, I did not reinvent the wheel.  For Olivia's Baptism I typed up the menu and had it saved on my computer.  SOOOO, I just printed it out and went from there.  I do not think anyone noticed!  Olivia was fascinated for many weeks after the event and would randomly approach Madelyn and "baptize" her!  She would put her hand on her head three times and say something (I could never really tell).  It was quite adorable and it think it is save to say Madelyn is extremely blessed! Over all the day was a success and we were more blessed to have my best friend Denise down from NY for the occasion. 

Teething, Drooling, and Chomping
In March just before all the teeth started appearing.
You can kind of see all her teeth in his picture!
Madelyn has seven teeth at 11 months!  (No I She cut her first tooth on St. Patrick's Day in March at 7 months old.  Since then she has been popping them out one after another!  The first one to arrive was the top left, followed a week later by the top right.  Then her bottom two teeth cut through on the last day of school at 8.5 months.  Next to arrive on Fourth of July was the bottom left, followed by the top left, and we noticed on vacation last week in Ocean City, the bottom right.  I feel bad for her, but she has fared pretty well.  She loves to chew on her Sophie the Giraffe as well as this set of teething keys.  Things are constantly in her mouth, especially her fingers. Like her sister, she enjoys that Soothie pacifier because she can get her fingers into it and really into her mouth.  Other than sprouting teeth left and right, she has not had too many side effects.  She continues to eat well and sleep fine. 

Moving, Scooting,  Grooving
Are you looking at me!?
 Madelyn was born being able to hold up her head and hold weight on her legs.  She continues to amaze us with her strength.  As far as milestones, she began roll successfully around five months, she was able to sit on her own shortly after six months, and around 7.5 months (beginning of April) began the scoot!  We knew this day would come but we were hoping for later.  She mastered crawling at about 8/8.5 (in May) months and finally started to pull herself up at 9 months (in June).  Her latest trick is cruising all over with her walker and on the table, couch, chairs, whatever she can balance herself on.  At 11 months (in July) she loves walking holding our hands, which is quite a back breaker, but we will do it for her!  She has not yet stood on her own or taken steps, but I am sure she is not far from that milestone!  We do have to be aware of where she is in the house, because she loves to climb the steps.  We usually follow behind her, but the other day  I was making dinner, Dan was on the computer upstairs.  Olivia decided to find out what Dan was doing, and when I came into the living room I could not find either one.  Olivia was upstairs with Dan and Madelyn was halfway up the stairs!  She turned to look at me and just laughed and let out a screech!  Oh boy...we need to keep an eye on her!
Kisses, Waves, and Claps
Waving to mommy!
I do not remember when she started waving and clapping to be honest, but it was in the Spring time.  Olivia would cheer for her all the time and one day she just started clapping back.  When she did her face lit up and  Olivia was super excited too!  It was a very cute moment.  She is also very cute about waving.  Again, that was something that just started and it really shows her personality.  She will just be hanging out playing and suddenly just wave to us.  Someone might be holding her and she will want the attention of another person, so she starts waving at them. It is such a simple gesture, but so adorable!

The funniest thing until recently, Madelyn would only give me kisses.  I would hold her and say,  "give mommy kisses" she would lean in towards me with her mouth open and give me a "kiss."  Dan would do the same thing and ask her to give him a kiss.  She would turn her head a not give him one!  It was hilarious, for me, not Dan!  Most recently, she started giving kisses with her tongue sticking out!  She will give Dan and Olivia one, but it is like a lean in and try not to get touched with her tongue! LOL

Out and Around the Town
Goofy kids! 
We are quite the busy family and enjoy take the girls to the hot spots in Baltimore.  Our two favorites are the zoo and aquarium.  We have family memberships to each and visit quite frequently.  Madelyn first visited the zoo when she was less than a month old!  We had not given her a bottle yet, so I remember having to nurse her in the picnic area with a cover on! That was a first for me!  We visited the zoo again in the Spring and again this summer.  She can see the animals and enjoys petting the goats.  It will not be long and she will be running around with Olivia to all the places!

Checking out the bubble tubes at Aquarium 
Our second favorite spot is the aquarium!  We went in the Winter around Valentine's Day and she enjoyed her self.  This summer went we went she was much more aware of the fish.  In fact, when we were at the dolphin area, she actually was freaked out.  We went up close to the tank because two dolphins were right at the edge.  Olivia was fascinated, but Madelyn started crying really hard.  It was then I realized she had noticed the two dolphins as well and was not sure about them!  I walked away and she was fine.  It was very  strange, but to here I am sure they were huge creature!

Another place we love to visit and Madelyn can enjoy more each time is Storyville. Her first trip was with the Evan's family and we have the best picture of her and Addie on a black bear rocking horse thing.  When we visited this summer she had a blast keeping up with Olivia.  They spend a good half an hour in the grocery story area and played together so nicely!

Restaurants are another place Madelyn has visited this year.  Usually it would be Chick Fila or Chipolte and we were in and out quickly.  The first restaurant we actually sat down at as a family was Unos.  Again, we were with the Evans family!  Dan and I were kinda nervous with two kids, but they were angels and it was a very positive experience.  We have since had "sit down" meals at other places too!

Checking out the waves on the boat 
Another Beach Baby is what we asked for and we got it!  Madelyn has been to the beach before at Thanksgiving and Christmas times, but her first official trip to the beach was Memorial Day weekend.  Her first dip in the Atlantic was fabulous and besides putting sand in her mouth and trying to drink the water it was a great day at the beach. We were back at the beach right after school was out and this time in addition to the beach, visited Asseateague Island.  Where we swam in the bay with the "baby waves” and saw quite a few ponies, which was hard for Madelyn to see but Olivia loved them!  Madelyn also had her first boat ride.  I think she had fun, but the life jacket made it hard for her to move.  She also had her first taste of crabs!  She got some Old Bay seasoning in her mouth and it the poor thing’s face turned all red!

We returned to the beach again in July for another week of excitement.  Madelyn rode in the boat again and loved it this time!  She was able to stand up and hold onto the side and would just open her mouth and scream into the wind!  This week at the beach was more challenging for Dan and I as she was into everything, crawling all over the sand and at the blanket and at the shore.  She loved splashing in the water, knocking down the sand castles, and digging in the sand.  Of course much of it went into her mouth, but what can you d? 

Madelyn also had her first trip to New York this summer.  My mom, Grandma Mary Lou, Olivia, and I had a girls weekend up to NY for family reunion.  The six hour ride lasted eight, but both girls were troopers!  The weekend went by fast and they were awesome!  We met some new cousins and had so much fun playing on the swing set at the picnic!  I know my grandma had a blast and it was so rewarding to see the smile on her face! 

Our next road trip will start on Sunday and that will be to Lake Lure, in North Carolina.  This week will be spend with the Hart family and should be a change of pace with hiking
.and other adventures!
In Sickness and in Health

Madelyn in December giving her a neb treatment
In July, at least the mask fit better on her face!
What a happy baby girl we have!  It is very hard to tell if she is tired or sick because honestly she just goes with the flow and rarely cries.  Although she is way overtired from our vacation last week and has cried/fussed more this week than all summer, but we are on the road to rest! Anyway, she has had quite a few ear infections this year.  We had the December to Remember with the double ear infection and RSV issues, which required a neb treatments.  Another huge ear infection in January and then again in April.  She was very healthy until just before Fourth of July.  We had no idea she was even sick, but when she woke up one morning she had goop in both her eyes.  A trip to the doctor revealed double ear infection and pink eye in both eyes!  She was put on antibiotics and after the pink eye was passed to Olivia, we moved on.  The following weekend she started coughing and after we returned to the doctor a week later.  The antibiotics were doing nothing and as Dr. Lancaster says, "wow that is impressively bad."  So basically the meds were doing nothing for the poor thing and the infection moved down to her lungs and she was wheezing again. Back on the neb! This week when we returned to the doctor to make sure the ear infection was cleared up, Dr. Lancaster mention she wanted Madelyn to be checked out  by a pediatric pulmonary specialist to rule out any other issues because of her ear infections and the wheezing she gets in her lungs.  Since Dan has his backwards issue, she just wants to rule out or become aware of any issues Madelyn may or may not have.  So stay turned for the update!  Overall, she is a happy, healthy child and whatever this doctor tells us we will move forward with more information!  

Sharing a Room
They do like to cuddle in each other's cribs!
Oh My!  Oh My!  Madelyn has been all over the room upstairs in our house...of course she started in our room in the bassinet, then she moved from the bassinet to the rock n play sleeper thing next to our bed, then back to the basinet, followed by a stint in the office in the pack n play because she outgrew the bassinet.  Next, we moved her into the crib in the girl's room in January.  This is when she was sick and we were sleep training, she would cry out at night and wake up Olivia, so after about two weeks we decided it was not working.  Back into the office she went, this time we moved the crib and Madelyn until she was sleeping better at night and not waking up Olivia. Around Spring Break time in April, we moved Madelyn back into the room with Olivia.  The first night was interesting.  Madelyn was almost asleep as we brought Olivia into the room for bed.  No less than five minutes later, they were both screaming to each other across the room.  This lasted for about an hour and they both finally feel asleep!  I figured she needed a barrier, so she could not see Olivia, so I hung a sheet over her crib and that worked until she could pull herself up.  
Most nights we are successful if Madelyn is asleep before we put Olivia to bed.  I have grown frustrated lately because Olivia will start singing or yelling Madelyn's name and wake her up.  Then the two of them will start yelling and giggling back and forth to each other.  Madelyn gets her revenge in the mornings though because she usually wakes up earlier than Olivia and will stand up in the crib, yelling to Madelyn.  The past few weeks it is funny to hear Olivia talking to Madelyn and get her going.  They both like to jump on the bed and you will hear Olivia say to her, "jump Madelyn jump!"  We have to find the humor in the situation.  In all honesty, I am not sure this arrangement is working and Dan has said he is willing to rearrange the furniture.  They are just so young and on different sleep schedules, I think separating them will make it easier for them to get the sleep they need.  However, they are having a blast together in that room!  Madelyn loves her sister and laughs at whatever she is doing!  I guess we will wait to see what happens….stay tuned!  

The first year with Madelyn has been quite a challenge, but has brought us so much joy!  She is blossoming into such a silly, sweet, determined little girl! We love her with all of our hearts and cannot image what our life was like before her!  So, here's to another exciting year filled with new challenges!   

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