Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Olivia's First Thanksgiving!

Olivia was all dressed up for her first Thanksgiving celebrations!  She looked adorable in her little outfit and the finishing touch to the outfit was the baby Uggs sent to her from Darleen and Eric Butler! I took a close up because they are simply darling!

This year have have many things celebrate and be thankful for!  First and foremost is our little Grace of God sent to us this year!  Secondly, the love and support from our family and friends.  It was not an easy road extending out family but the journey was worth the reward!  We have enjoyed each moment with Livy, including the gas incident when she cried for two hours straight!  We continue to learn every step of the way!

Olivia, Dan, and I were lucky to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with both families!  On Thursday we spend the day at my parents house and on Friday we traveled to Carol's house to have lunch and celebrate with Dan's parents and sisters!

On Thursday Olivia was wide awake for most of the day and enjoyed watching all the busy activities in the kitchen!  She was also able to meet her Uncle Pete and Cousin Derek! Of course the Greatest and my sister Kym, Tyler, Grandma, and Grandpa were there to celebrate too!  It was wonderful to have everyone together and the meal was outstanding!  By the time we ate though, Olivia was passed out!  She spend the meal in her bouncer seat!  Here are some pictures from the day:

More pictures of our eventful Thanksgiving Holiday can be found in the Picasa Albums!

Friday was the second Thanksgiving Celebration!  We traveled to Carol, Scott, and Brayden's house for lunch and to catch up with Gram and Grandpa Puryear about their Florida trip!  We had a lovely afternoon and the food was delicious!  Here are some of the hightlights:


Again, there are more pictures of our two Thanksgiving in the Picasa web albums!

Hope you all had an excellent Thanksgiving!  I guess next year Livy will be eating the real food!  That should be interesting!

Love to all
Laura, Dan, Olivia

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